Re: Can I access a constant in a Freemarker view?

2007-12-24 Thread matihost
I've got an object that I expose to my view via getModel. That object has a typical public static final constant... public static final String firstName_KEY = firstName; Note that I purposefully don't provide a static getter (I don't want to have to write getters for all my

Re: Exception when tying to display a 404 error page.

2007-11-07 Thread matihost
This error page is defined in my web.xml: error-page error-code404/error-code location/pages/errors/page404.jsp/location /error-page You are using Tomcat web container. There is one issue regarding form-login-page element, but i assume there are the same reason for any url used in

Re: Re: S2 + REST urls

2007-07-27 Thread matihost
First of all, put that constants in file next to struts.xml there are some problems with constants defined in struts.xml, some of them does not work correctly Yes, you are right, for example constant struts.locale still is not loaded correctly when it is in struts.xml file.

Re: Re: A problem using Struts Tiles

2007-07-26 Thread matihost
I think you forgot to override controller class (as i remember i had the same problem): Your configuration should have also: controller processorClass=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8/ My configurations: struts-config.xml

S2 + REST urls

2007-07-26 Thread matihost
Hi everyone What is the best practice to use REST url notation in Struts2 application ? Does anyone have successful solution ? Below are my consideration about the available solutions: I used /* filter mapping for struts filter and set constant name=struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation