Just to add another perspective.

I've been a Struts "list lurker" for about 3 years and 
have enjoyed reading the posts. Programmers are
often crazy and outrageous (which gives us our "charm")
, but I had a problem with Mark's remarks about 
East Indians being "faggots".

As a guy who has been in IT for the last 15 years, I
find myself being directly and negatively affected by
the outsourcing of programming and IT jobs to other
countries especially India and Mexico. Given the nature
of business, the government will need to act in a way 
that affects everyone at the same time, to balence
the situation, (probably through some kind of system of 
tarriffs). Otherwise, I think our country will be hurt badly
now and in the future.

I am very resentful of the outsourcing situation.

But, as an African-American, I was more bothered by
Mark's remarks. While it wasn't directed at me, being
neither East Indian nor gay, I was really disturbed by
Mark's joking remarks. I can think of times 10 years ago
when whites would make racist remarks about blacks,
in the presence of blacks and we blacks would have to
find the courage and strength to tell the joke teller to
stop. Fortunately, as I was composing a response,
Frank Z. posted his initial response, letting Mark know
he had crossed the line.

I'm not a great believer in political correctness, as I've
seen that belief be used to suppress all offensive 
expression. But the downside of attacking the character
of the target of your anger is that they get angry or hurt
and stop participating. I thought the idea behind the 
open-source/open-license movement was to get everybody

So, I want thank all those who didn't let the "shock and awe"
of Mark's remarks stop them from speaking up. And, if
Mark really was fired, was there any other way to make Mark 
accountable for his behavior? Right now, I can't think of
any, but I'd be happy hear suggestions that *really* would
have worked with Mark.


Bob Harris

--- Daniel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hah, it's the business use of web/email they fire
> you for. Go read your
> terms of employment, and the reference to "IT
> acceptible use policy" that
> you inadvertantly agreed to.
> There have been cases in the uk where they have done
> this as it's much
> cheaper to hunt out employees who have sent dodgy
> emails/had a sexual advert
> popup/etc than to actually pay people redundancy.
> Note that i agree it's a bit harsh to get the guy
> fired.  Still, who really
> wants to work for a company that will fire you over
> a comment you make on a
> mailing list?
> Daniel.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 06 July 2005 17:42
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books
> Recommendations
> >
> >
> > Mark Galbreath wrote the following on 7/6/2005
> 10:19 AM:
> > > Thanks to whomever emailed last weeks nonsense
> thread to the Director
> > > of the Board of Elections.  It made me look like
> a racist and I was
> > > fired this morning.  The State is also looking
> into whether my use of
> > > an official email address for that discussion is
> in violation of state
> > > law.  You did your work well, you low-life
> bastard.
> > >
> > > Signing off....
> > > Mark
> > >
> >
> > Whoever did send something is such a loser it's
> not even funny. At least
> > step forward and admit who you are. I constantly
> here bigotted stuff on
> > mailing lists and forums, yet I don't go running
> like a little baby to
> > find out their employeer so I can "tattle" on them
> like a 3rd grader.
> > I'd much rather the internet be open for a free
> exchange of ideas
> > (regardless of whether we agree with them or not)
> without having to fear
> > someone is going to hunt down who I am and state
> my comments to my
> > employeer or wife.
> >
> > I can't believe I now have to watch what I say on
> this mailing list.
> > Guess I will be making up a gmail account that
> doesn't use my real name
> > just to help protect myself from losers like this
> person.
> >
> > It's sad the same thing happened to a guy working
> at Allstate who
> > happened to post that he felt homosexulaity was
> wrong on a non-company
> > related website
> http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44961
> >
> > The irony is I guess Mark should have said how
> "The US is so evil for
> > being in Iraq" or "How he hates pro-life
> Christians" and maybe he would
> > have gotten a promotion. Or better yet, what if he
> was gay and posted
> > all over some homosexual website about how he
> wanted to do all these
> > sexual things with some other males and farm
> animals, and I as his
> > employeer, found out about it and found it was
> offensive so I fired him.
> > I will bet you *anything* that the ACLU would be
> on my back so fast it
> > wouldn't even be funny and I as the employeer
> would lose my job for
> > firing him! I just love the double-standards in
> the U.S. today.  A guy
> > can get state funding from the National Endowment
> of the Arts by putting
> > a crucifix in a jar of urine and calling it 'art',
> yet at the same time
> > people get fired for off-color comments they make
> on a mailing list?
> >
> > --
> > Rick
> >
> >
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