I was missing the getPackages() method :(

- Scott

Scott Van Wart wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying to get multiple levels of indexed, nested beans working. I've tried a variety of solutions but I keep getting xwork or ognl exceptions. Here's what I've tried (loosely):

   public class MyAction implements Action, StrutsStatics {
     private List<PackageBean> packages;
     public List<PackageBean> getPackages() { return this.packages; }
public List<PackageBean> setPackages( List<PackageBean> packages ) { this.packages = packages; }

   public class PackageBean {
     private List<ElementBean> elements;
     public List<ElementBean> getElements() { return this.packages; }
public List<ElementBean> setElements( List<ElementBean> packages ) { this.elements = elements; }

   public class ElementBean {
     private String property1;
     private String property2;
     // getters and setters

I refer to the properties in my inputs as "packages[0].elements[0].property1". When I POST, I get a NullPointerException in OgnlRuntime.getField (targetClass is null).

I tried using built-in arrays (PackageBean[] and ElementBean[]) and I get an OgnlException (source is null in setProperty( null, "property1" )). I try initializing these to new PackageBean[0] and new ElementBean[0] and I get IndexOutOfBoundsException.

I tried pre-populating my collections (List<...>) with a few empty beans in both my action and PackageBean but I get the "source is null" exception again... I also tried the getPackage( int index ) and setPackage( int index, PackageBean pkg ) style getters and setters all the way through (initializing the lists with empty beans as necessary) with no success.

Am I way off on my thoughts of how nested beans and indexed properties work?


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