Excellent, this is great and made everything work.

Thank you very much for the quick response.

- Pascal

Dale Newfield wrote:
Euphreme Rinfrett wrote:
I'm trying to use to "stream" result type to get some images to display within a portal.

<action name="displayExerciceImageAction" class="displayExerciceAction">
           <result name="success" type="stream">
             <param name="contentType">${model.imageContentType}</param>
             <param name="inputName">${model.image}</param>
<param name="contentDisposition">filename="${model.name}_img"</param>
             <param name="bufferSize">${model.image.length}</param>

image being an array of bytes.

You've got a mixup between "contentLength" and "bufferSize"
bufferSize is simply the size chunks sent out along the wire (something simple like 1024 or 2048), "contentLength" is the size of the image you're trying to send. (And if you don't provide it, your content will be fetched twice, once to find the size, again to send it.) your "contentDisposition" is invalid (as is the example you reference, BTW). You want that to read inline;filename="${model.name}_img". Lastly, you've got the actual content wrong. "inputName" does not accept OGNL, but rather a property name on your action for which there should be a getter that returns an InputStream (not an array of bytes, and not the same InputStream each time it's called but rather a new one each time).

Here's an example from my current app:

<result name="success" type="stream">
  <param name="contentType">${media.mimetype}</param>
  <param name="inputName">mediaFileStream</param>
<param name="contentDisposition">inline;filename="${media.code}.${media.suffix}"</param>
  <param name="bufferSize">1024</param>
  <param name="contentLength">${mediaFileLength}</param>


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