Using a servlet seems reasonable. Whether or not you code will scale adequately really depends on how generateMap() is implemented. If it can process calls at the rate you anticipate needing you'll be fine. If it can't you'll have to optimize it, introduce caching, use client-side pre-fetching of image data á la Google Maps, whatever.


Tony Smith wrote:r

Any ideas?
--- Tony Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let's think about I do not know how
they handle millions of request and generate the map pictures quickly. If I use a servlet, in the post or get method I use:

   BufferedImage mapImage =
myTookKit.generateMap(String address); response.setContentType("image­/png"); OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(buffer, "png", os); os.close();

Is servlet a good choice? If I use servlet, is the
code above good enough to handle hundreds of request? Is the choice
BufferedImage a good one? What special technique I need to implement "myTookKit" to make it faster? I am thinking about JNI.


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