So things are working much much better which means, of course, I have to break something. I am attempting to add some conditional validation to one of my forms...

If a flag field is not true, then I need to have several other fields be required.

Right now (before Conditional):

   <field name="payment.ccExpDate">
       <field-validator type="requiredstring">
           <message key="requiredstring"/>
       <field-validator type="stringlength">
         <param name="minLength">4</param>
         <param name="maxLength">4</param>
         <message key="expDateLength"/>
   <field name="payment.ccNumber">
       <field-validator type="requiredstring">
           <message key="requiredstring"/>

Works great. I am looking at short circuits and expressions, in order to get this conditional going, but I am still not there. Any one have any ideas as to the best approach?

Skip Hollowell

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