maya ha scritto:

how do you load tiles dynamically in response to user input..
I have classic setting of nav on the left and main content to the right of nav tile.. how do I load tiles dynamically in main-content tile in response to what link user clicks in left nav? (I mean same principle as when you load frames dynamically in a frameset..)
First of all Tiles are not frames! Look at the end of this page:

Anyway it all depends on what you mean "dinamically".
If you have a single "main-content" for each link, then I suggest to create a Tiles definition for each link extended from the base one, then forward to the correct definition in each Struts action. If you want "more dinamicity" :-) you can <put> in your definition an URL and not a simple JSP page. This URL (it can be also a Struts action) decides which will be the next JSP page depending on your criteria, and forward to it.
Notice anyway that the first option is the easiest.


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