I like to do the following: When a selection in a select box changes, display a value from a mapped property in a textarea field. To do this I need to get the currently selected value of the ComboBox by calling some javascript function in the onchange event of SELECT.

This is my JSP code:

<html:form action="/startReportWizard" focus="reportKind">
  <table border="0" width="500" align="center">
    <TD width=250><bean:message key="GenerateReportPage1.Selection" />
    <TD width=*>
<html:select property="reportKind" onchange="displayReportDescription()"> <html:optionsCollection name="reportDescriptions" value="value.report_ID" label="value.report_Name"/>
    <TD><bean:message key="GenerateReportPage1.Description" /></TD>
<html:textarea property="reportDescription" rows="3" disabled="false"/></TD>

The javascript function displayReportDescription() returns the currently selected value of the ComboBox (Select list)

In the form bean I have a Hashtable as follows:

private Hashtable<String, ReportDescription> availableReports;

public synchronized Hashtable<String, ReportDescription> getAvailableReports()
        return availableReports;

public synchronized void setAvailableReports(
                Hashtable<String, ReportDescription> availableReports)
        this.availableReports = availableReports;

public ReportDescription getValue(String key)
        return availableReports.get(key);

With these getters I should be able to do the following in my JSP to retrieve a specific value from my Hashtable:

<html:textarea property="value(name)"/>
where name is the VALUE of the currently selected Item of the Select box.

So inside my javascript function I should do something like:

function displayReportDescription()
  var ComboBox=document.forms[0].elements["reportKind"];
  var selected = ComboBox.selectedIndex;
  var selectedValue = ComboBox.options[selected].value;
document.forms[0].elements["reportDescription"].value = THE VALUE FROM MY HASHTABLE IN MY FORMBEAN!!

The question is how can I call the getAvailableReports().getValue(selectedValue) of my form bean from inside the above JavaScript????

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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