In a JSP, I need to be capable of doing something such as the following:

<s:action name="%{action.actionName}" namespace="%{action.nameSpace}"
executeResult="true" flush="false">
  <s:iterator value="action.parameters">
    <s:param name="%{name}" value="%{value}"/>

Unfortunately it does not appear that the Struts2 tag framework supports
the use of an iterate tag inside the action component, and so I am
looking for alternatives.  Is there a reason why certain components such
as the action tag can't support a nested iteration of parameters?  This
just seems very logical to me if one stores the URL callback in a
database and is needing the page rendering to be dynamic in nature.  The
only other solution would be to rely on ajax/javascript which I'd rather
not do if there is a Struts2 solution.


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