On 8/25/05, Kade Jeevan Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In one of my screen, i came across a need of adding the form components 
> dynamically using javascript (dynamically adding chek boxes).  what is the 
> solution offered by struts to hold this situation to read the data into the 
> ActionForm.
> I know, that am a newbe for Struts, but when i went through the Forms and 
> many Search Engines i failed to get the Proper information or Solution. But i 
> hope and believe that there should be ways to deal these situations, if Yes 
> please let me Know.

I've seen this topic come up a few times already on the user list.  I
suggest going through the mail archives and running your searches
through those. http://struts.apache.org/mail.html#archives

Also, check the wiki.  Maybe someone has already posted a how-to over
there: http://wiki.apache.org/struts/.  If you don't find anything
there, but discover how to later on, perhaps you can share it by
posting it on there.  :)


User list tip: Letting your msg subject reflect your msg body could
get you more "eyes" and better responses.  For instance, someone not
wanting to concern themselves about "object maintenance" would totally
miss your question on dynamically adding form elements.

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