We have a requirement to validate (using Javascript) beans whose properties
can be of type Map, List, [], or any simple type. Furthermore, Maps, Lists,
and []s can be arbitrarily nested.
We have found that the validator only supports simple properties (on the
client). We modified it last year to support Lists and []s. Now we want to
modify it to support Maps and nesting.

Here's how it currently works:
Suppose a user has a List of addresses:
 public class User {
  public List getAddresses() {
and an address has a zip:
 public class Address {
  public String getZip() {
So in validation.xml we write:
     <form name="user">

What we would rather do is write:
     <form name="user">

Then we can expand this to support nesting and Maps:
   <!-- validates all areaCodes -->
   <!-- addresses is of type Map now; validates areaCodes 
        for shipping address -->
   <!-- validates all areaCodes -->
   <!-- validates areaCodes for shipping address and phone 
        numbers that start with home (i.e. home, home1, 
     home2, etc.) -->
Note the wildcard in the last example.
Please let us know if this has been done before; if there's a better
approach; or if you would like the code for yourself.
Mike Dunn
mike dot dunn at siemens dot com

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