
I have a somewhat complex form for user registration which has several dropdown lists that pull from a database. I created an action called "RegisterUserFORM" which creates the dao objects necessary for the dropdowns to be made on the JSP page. This form then submits to another action called "RegisterUser" which handles the business logic of actually registering the user.

    Here's what I'm trying to achieve:
    1. When the user visits the registration page, we call RegisterUserFORM to 
provide all the database objects necessary to render the page.
    2. If the user fills out the form and there is a validation exception, I 
want the exception to be caught and redirect the user back to the registration 
form with the error message on top.
    3. If the user fills out the form and everything is ok, I want to redirect 
to a success page.

Simple enough. The problem I'm having is that I initially tried to have the RegisterUser action simply redirect to the jsp form page on an exception. However, when I did this I realized that I would have to have all the same getter methods as I did in the RegisterUserFORM action. This seemed a little unneccsarry and also seemed like a bad idea; I had an action responisble for solely the jsp level elements so why not use it? So instead I tried to have the RegisterUser action redirect to the RegisterUserFORM action on an error. This solved the initial problem, but created another. When I redirected to the other action, I lost the validation exception that I initially recieved. The form rendered fine, but now I was missing the error information that was present on it initially.

So my question then, is whats the best way to handle this? Is there a way to somehow foward the exception through to the other action? Or is there a better design that I should be using instead? I can think of a couple solutions (such as having both actions extend a class with all the database elements necessary for the form) but none seem very "elegant". Does anyone have a better solution?

Tim Orme

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