Hi list,

With my last question still standing (even though the struts list might not be 
the right resource for it), I'm off to the next question.

I've created a portlet application wrapping two portlets. My first goal should 
be an easy one - trying to link from the one portlet to the other. In order to 
do so I've created a JSP for each portlet:




Using struts I defined these actions:

                <action path="/my/namespace/applications/view" 
forward="my.namespace. applications.view" />
                <action path="/my/namespace/submit/view" forward="my.namespace. 
submit.view" />

And with Tiles I created these:

<definition name="my.namespace.submit.view" 
path="/org/deisa/portal/submit/view.jsp" />
<definition name="my.namespace l.applications.view" 
path="/org/deisa/portal/applications/view.jsp" />

In the JSP I link to the other JSP and vica versa using:

<portlet:actionURL windowState="<%= WindowState.NORMAL.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/my/namespace/submit/view" />


<portlet:actionURL windowState="<%= WindowState.NORMAL.toString() %>">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/my/namespace/applications/view" />

The links do work - they do load the other JSP - but also generate the 
following error:

ERROR [RequestProcessor:296] No action instance for path 
/my/namespace/submit/view could be created

Why is this happening, can anybody explain?

Evert Lammerts

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