I started using the struts-blank.war file for my new project. I want to
Integrate the project with tiles. I am using RAD 7.

Here is what I see in the browser : Error 404: File not found:

The application is working fine when I started using the jsp:include

Here are the steps followed for the Integration of struts with tiles.
Please let me know the steps I am missing in the integration.

Step 1 : web.xml added the ChainConfig & the taglib.


Step 2 : added  struts-tiles.tld  to the WEB-INF and
struts-tiles-1.3.5.jar to the lib directory. Modified the file
chain-config.xml as suggested in one of the forums with the latest

Step 3 : struts-config.xml added the following 3 elements.
<action path=3D"/Welcome" forward=3D"/mainLayout"/>
   <plug-in className=3D"org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >
            <set-property property="definitions-config"
value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />
            <set-property property="definitions-parser-validate"
value="true" />
            <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />

Step 4 : tiles-defs.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
       "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.3//EN"
      <!-- Base Tiles Definition -->
<definition name="mainLayout" path="/website/main.jsp">
<put name="header" value="/website/headers/header.jsp" />
<put name="topNav" value="/website/nav/topNav.jsp" />
<put name="content" value="/website/content/home.jsp" />
<put name="footer" value="/website/footers/footer.jsp" />

<!-- Tiles Definition of welcome page -->
<definition name="page.welcome" extends="mainLayout">
<put name="content" value="/website/content/home.jsp"/>

I start the server and I see the following messages in the log


[2/15/07 9:44:40:707 EST] 3c857353 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting
application: ***

[2/15/07 9:44:40:754 EST] 3c857353 WebContainer  A SRVE0169I: Loading
Web Module: Struts Blank Application.

[2/15/07 9:44:41:113 EST] 3c857353 WebGroup      I SRVE0180I: [Struts
Blank Application] [/***] [Servlet.LOG]: JSP 1.2 Processor: init

[2/15/07 9:44:41:379 EST] 3c857353 WebGroup      I SRVE0180I: [Struts
Blank Application] [/***] [Servlet.LOG]: SimpleFileServlet: init

[2/15/07 9:44:41:379 EST] 3c857353 WebGroup      I SRVE0180I: [Struts
Blank Application] [/***] [Servlet.LOG]: InvokerServlet: init

[2/15/07 9:44:41:410 EST] 3c857353 WebGroup      I SRVE0180I: [Struts
Blank Application] [/***] [Servlet.LOG]: action: init

[2/15/07 9:44:41:551 EST] 3c857353 ActionServlet I
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet  Loading chain catalog from

[2/15/07 9:44:42:410 EST] 3c857353 TilesPlugin   I
org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin  Tiles definition factory loaded for
module ''.

[2/15/07 9:44:42:426 EST] 3c857353 ValidatorPlug I
org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn  Loading validation rules
file from '/org/apache/struts/validator/validator-rules.xml'

[2/15/07 9:44:42:426 EST] 3c857353 ValidatorPlug I
org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn  Loading validation rules
file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'

[2/15/07 9:44:42:769 EST] 3c857353 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I:
Application started: ***

[2/15/07 9:44:42:801 EST] 3c857353 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport
http is listening on port 9,080.

[2/15/07 9:44:44:691 EST] 3c857353 HttpTransport A SRVE0171I: Transport
https is listening on port 9,443.

[2/15/07 9:44:44:707 EST] 3c857353 RMIConnectorC A ADMC0026I: RMI
Connector available at port 2809

[2/15/07 9:44:44:738 EST] 3c857353 WsServer      A WSVR0001I: Server
server1 open for e-business

[2/15/07 10:22:59:257 EST] 794bb352 WebGroup      I SRVE0180I: [Struts
Blank Application] [/***] [Servlet.LOG]: /index.jsp: init

[2/15/07 10:22:59:288 EST] 794bb352 TilesRequestP I
org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesRequestProcessor  Tiles definition factory
found for request processor ''.

I tried to export the war file and deploy it on tomcat and here is what
I get in tomcat logs
[DEBUG] ModuleUtils - Get module name for path /Welcome.do
[DEBUG] ModuleUtils - Module name found: default
[INFO] TilesRequestProcessor - Tiles definition factory found for
request proces
sor ''.
[DEBUG] RequestProcessor - Processing a 'GET' for path '/Welcome'
[DEBUG] RequestProcessor -  Setting user locale 'en_US'
[DEBUG] I18nFactorySet - Can't open file '/WEB-INF/tiles-defs_en_US.xml'
[DEBUG] I18nFactorySet - Can't open file '/WEB-INF/tiles-defs_en.xml'
[DEBUG] RequestProcessor -  Delegating via forward to '/mainLayout'
[DEBUG] ApplicationDispatcher - servletPath=/mainLayout, pathInfo=null,
ing=null, name=null
[DEBUG] ApplicationDispatcher -  Path Based Forward
[DEBUG] ApplicationDispatcher -  Disabling the response for futher
[DEBUG] ManagerBase - Start expire sessions StandardManager at
1171548885046 ses
sioncount 1
[DEBUG] ManagerBase - End expire sessions StandardManager processingTime
0 expir
ed sessions: 0

Thanks for your help,

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