Hi All . . .

I am (relatively) new to Tiles and Struts and I'm having a problem
applying my tiles in my struts application correctly.

Originally, I was using Tiles 2.1 but because of technical problems
I decided to not use Tiles 2.1 and go back to the
struts-tiles-1.3.10.jar.  In other words just use the Tiles that comes
with Struts 1.3.  I added the Tiles Plug-In and changed everything
back from tiles.apache.org . . . to struts.apache.org . . . Now, I'm
getting the "Path page.logon does not start with a "/" character".
I have researched this issue some but have not been able to overcome
this problem.

Relevant source code follows:

If someone could assist me with this issue I'd really appreciate it . . .



*******  struts-config.xml ************

<action path="/logon"
          <forward name="ShowLogon" path="page.logon"/>

*******  tiles-defs.xml *****************

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
     "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.3//EN"


  <definition name="base.definition" path="/layouts/template.jsp">
          <put name="title" value="Tiles tutorial homepage" />
          <put name="header" value="/header.jsp" />
          <put name="menu" value="/menu.jsp" />
          <put name="leftnav" value="/leftnav.jsp" />
          <put name="footer" value="/footer.jsp" />

  <definition name="page.logon" extends="base.definition">
          <put name="body" value="/logon.jsp" />


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