Hi I am using ajax <s:div> tag in <s:iterator> tag to get status on systems
at the time of loading but when i am doing this through AJAX then <s:div>
tag sending continuous request and at once time my explorer gives system

There are 3 elements(systems) in my list so at the time of iterating three
ajax request would be generate but instead contious request is generating
and whole page is loading in <s:div> tag. but i want only image in place of
div tag.

so please help me to solve this problem.

I am here giving code within <s:iterator> tag of my  working JSP.

<s:iterator status="systemStatus" value="systemList">
   <td width="20%" height="84">
      <s:url id="editsystem" action="
             <s:param name="systemName" value="%{systemName}"/>
             <s:param name="systemIP" value="%{systemIP}"/>
     <s:url id="systemstatus" action="SystemStatusAction.action">
           <s:param name="systemName" value="%{systemName}"/>
      <img id="indicator${systemStatus.count}" src="images/sys_load.gif" alt
="Loading Info" style="display:none"/>
        <s:div theme="ajax" href="%{systemstatus}" indicator="indicator${
          <s:a href="%{editsystem}" cssClass="homelink"
hoverImagePath}',1)"><img src="${imagePath}" name="Image${systemStatus.count}"
width="61" height="61" border="0"><br>
        <s:property value="systemName"/></s:a>
 <s:if test="#systemStatus.count % 5 == 0">
     <td align="center" valign="bottom">&nbsp;</td>
<tr align="center" valign="middle">
 Thank you,

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