I'm using json-taglib [0] to populate lists of users (user: username,
id, name, surname, description) to an s:autocompleter tag.
I put the code in [1] of json.
I put the snipplet of jsp in [2].
the system i'm developing is for spanish speakers, so some times they
use non ascii characters in those fields.
Those characters (for instance, 'ñ', 'é', ...) are rendered as (
"ñ" and "é" respectively)
I have added the next line, but it dosn't seem to do anything.
<%@ page language="java" contentType="application/json; charset=UTF-8"
I hope you can help me!!
Thanks in advance

Nicolas Pace

[0] http://json-taglib.sourceforge.net/
<%@ taglib prefix="json" uri="http://www.atg.com/taglibs/json"; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<s:iterator value="lista" id="bean">
<json:property><s:property value="%{#bean.nombre}"/></json:property>
<json:property><s:property value="%{#bean.id}"></s:property></json:property>

<s:autocompleter name="revista.publicacion.nombre"
id="publicacion.nombre"  keyName="revista.publicacion.id"
href="publicacion!listar.action" />

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