Okay, I aint crazy. And I don't think it's a trivial mistake on my part now.

In struts select boxes, and plain old HTML, if you don't specify a label for 
a given item, you get the value used as your label.

In JSF however, if you don't specify "itemLabel" for a selectItem, you get 
that incredibly descriptive exception "One or more parameters are null"

Thanks for all the help. Sorry it took so much bandwidth. I was alot closer 
than I gave myself credit for.



    <f:facet name="header">
         <h:outputText value="Currency"/>
  <h:selectOneMenu id="currency" value="#{item.currency}">
  <f:selectItem itemValue="USD" itemLabel="USD" />
  <f:selectItem itemValue="CAD" itemLabel="CAD"/>
  <f:selectItem itemValue="EUR" itemLabel="EUR"/>
  <f:selectItem itemValue="JPY" itemLabel="JPY"/>

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