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Mariano G. Petrakovsky
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-----Mensaje original-----
De: Manfred Klug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Miércoles, 25 de Mayo de 2005 01:55
Asunto: [Shale] Re: Javascript validator

> I have a JSP like this:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ....
> value="#{sizeTableHandler.currentconfig}" required="true"
> size="10">
> server="false" client="true" />
> ....
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> when JSF generate mi static HMTL using Commons Validators, (for instance,
> i'm not fill the "currentconfig" field), mi mozilla Javascript Console
> capture this: "Error: v is not defined"
> Then... looking source of this static page... I'm Found the javascript
> generate like this:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> var bCancel = false;
> function ValidateForm(form) { return bCancel || true
> && validateRequired.js,v(form)
> ;}
> function required() {
> this[0] = new Array("content:testForm:currentconfig", "currentconfig is
> required.", new Function("x", "return {}[x];"));
> }
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Now... I'm asking... it's and bug of commons validator libraries or...
> my error???

Neither commons validator nor you.

It seems that the shale-validator makes some assumptions about the content
the script which are not correct for the scripts in the commons validator

Please use the validator-rules.xml from the shale use cases and it should

Manfred Klug

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