Telios has a File-Upload with a decent-looking progress-bar

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 18:27:21 -0700
> Subject: Looking for a good multi-file upload solution
> From:
> To:
> Hello all,
> Our team is looking to support multiple concurrent uploads in struts2
> (i.e. "ajaxy", gmail-style file uploads, with progress bars, that
> begin immediately instead of when the user submits the form).
> We are wondering if there are any tips or best practices for
> implementing this feature.  For example, does struts require any
> special handling for XHR multipart requests?  Also, is it appropriate
> to use the FileUploadInterceptor for this sort of thing, or is it
> better to roll our own?
> We've briefly looked at ajax-file-upload-struts2
> ( but it looks as
> though that project is either abandoned or incomplete (if that's wrong
> please let me know).
> As for the client side,  we've looked at swfupload, plupload, and
> uploadify.  They seem to have their various strengths/weaknesses but
> if anyone has a found a solution that they prefer we'd love to hear
> it.  Many thanks for your time --Jim
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