
I am glad to hear you have a solution!

Saludos Cordiales (desde EEUU)
Porfavor..no altere o interrumptir esta communicacion...Gracias

To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Tr : Refresh Message Resources
From: pedrofelipe.co...@bnpparibas.com
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 18:49:56 +0100

Good afternoon in my timezone.

First of all , thanks to mgai...@hotmail.com
for the fast answer.

I already found why i was not able to
refresh the message resources.I was forcing to download the struts 1.3.10
source code and make reverse engineering to see how struts works.And the
problem was pretty obvious , my custom class extends from  
and this class have a set of getMessage methods and i just override one
of them, the one that was called when th jsp was rendered for the first
time.The other times the framework call another version of the method ,
so i just had to override that version either.

With the best regards.

Pedro Costa 

----- Forwarded by Pedro
Felipe COSTA/BPSS/FR/EUROPE/GROUP on 04-09-2012 14:37 -----

Refresh Message Resources

Pedro Felipe COSTA



04-09-2012 10:26

Pedro Felipe COSTA



Good Morning in my timezone.

I changed the struts framework(1.2.9) to load the message
resources from the database instead from property files. 
I extended one class from the org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources
class and another one from the org.apache.struts.util.MessageResourcesFactory
class. I changed the struts-config.xml
file changing the message-resources tag to use my custom factory.
When I deployed the war file and started tomcat, the messages
were loaded from the database, so far so good.
The problem is that after the restart when I try to load
the message again the struts framework does not use my class anymore. It
seems that use my class when is rendering a jsp for the first time and
after that it uses some kind of internal cache and did not use my 
class, more specifically the getMessage method.
Anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

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