I'm no guru, but....

You can put the appropriate HTML stuff in, but
the basics are as follows:

<logic:iterate id="collectionElement" name="allContacts">
<html:link action="/deleteContact" 

Sorry, can't help you with your second question :(


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 9:22 AM
> Subject: coupla easy (I hope) beginner questions
> Hail gurus!
> I've got a jsp page taking a session-context Collection
> of forms and displaying it, and I'm trying to add
> a delete and an edit link or form on a per-row basis.
> Seems like a pretty obvious thing, right? Based on
> a tip from this list, I tried the following, after
> considerable screwing around with other variants.
> The jsp code looks (right now, formatting stripped out) like:
> <logic:present scope="session" name="allContacts">
> <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
> <logic:iterate id="collectionElement" name="allContacts">
> <tr>
> <td>
> <bean.define id="eltId"><bean:write name="collectionElement"
> property="id"/></bean.define>
> <html:link
>       page="deleteContact.do?id=${eltId}">Delete Contact</html:link>
> </td>
> <td><bean:write name="collectionElement" property="salutation"/></td>
> <td><bean:write name="collectionElement" property="firstName"/></td>
> ...
> ### !SNIPPET
> and the generated HTML looks (right now, formatting stripped out) like:
> <table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
> <tr>
> <td>
> <bean.define id="eltId">e682d6b47f00000101616dd681dc2378</bean.define>
> <a href="deleteContact.do?id=${eltId}">Delete Contact</a>
> </td>
> <td>mr</td>
> <td>tim</td>
> ...
> ### !SNIPPET
> The first beginner question (I've been working in C and SQL and
> POJO Java for many years, but I'm very green at all this Web/app server
> stuff): How do I get the eltId from the bean:define into the param
> for deleteContact.do?
> Obviously, with JSTL's c:set, right? Which brings us to the second
> beginner question: Has anybody been able to use JSTL in an Eclipse 3.0/
> JBoss 3.2.3/JBoss IDE environment? I locate the jars and TLD files
> correctly and include the TLDs in web.xml (via taglibs.xml) correctly,
> but on deployment of the EAR I get a error along the lines of:
> Document root element "taglib", must match DOCTYPE root "null"
> about the c.tld file itself (and similarly for all the other JSTL
> tag files). I read something on the web about hacking my web.xml
> file to be 2.4 instead of 2.3 (and some other stuff you have to
> do to the web.xml DOCTYPE declaration). Since web.xml is completely
> generated in this environment, that's not a real fix, but I tried it
> anyway, and the results were the same. I've tried this will all of
> c.tld, c-1_0.tld and c-1_0-rt.tld. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
> Many thanks to anyone who can smarten up this chump.
> Tim
> www.cinedavis.com
> Dresden, Germany
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