Great.  That fixed my problem.  I also had a typo in one of my other
attempts and this explains what happened.

-----Original Message-----
From: Musachy Barroso [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 7:42 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: redirect parameters lost when using convention plugin 2.1.6

The problem is that "redirect" does not not use "params", only
"redirect-action" does. So to use redirect, you need to do something
like(or set "location" in the annotation):

<result type="redirect">/someurl.action?myparam=%{somevalue}</result>

and yeah, the documentation is wrong, and this is not consistent. I
will update redirect to be similar to redirect-action.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:24 PM, John Liptak <> wrote:
> I'm in the process of upgrading an app from to 2.1.6.
> I've been following the instructions at
> converting from 2.0 to 2.1 .
> Since we are currently using the zero config plugin, I'm also looking at
> convention plugin
> here .
> The issue I'm having is that parameters that are set on the redirect are
> lost.  I'm getting the OGNL exception that the trouble shooting guide says
> I'm supposed to get, but then the parameters are not sent as part of the
> redirect.
> Things that might be causing issues:
> 1.) I've kept the naming of the original URLs using @Action annotations
> 2.) I've set the action extention to only be "action" and not "action,"
> 3.) I'm using Weblogic 10.2
> I've tried all of the different ways I know to do a redirect:
> 1.) Class level using params
>   �...@result(name = "redirect", location = "pingDestination.action", type =
> "redirect",
>    params = { "aParam", "a parameter" } )
> 2.) Class level using location
>     @Result(name = "redirect2", location =
> "/test/pingDestination.action?aParam=${message}", type = "redirect" )
> 3.) Action level
>   @Action(value = "/test/pingRedirect3",
>            result...@result(name = "redirect", location =
> "pingDestination.action", type = "redirect",
>            params = { "parse" , "true", "aParam", "a parameter" } )},
>            params = { "parse" , "true", "aParam", "another parameter" })
>    public String executeRedirect3() throws Exception {...
> 4.) I tried two different SNAPSHOT builds of 2.1.7 but the new config
> loading and WebLogic don't like each other.
> Any ideas?
> Here is my struts.xml
>    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
>    "";>
> <struts>
>        <constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />
>    <constant name="struts.objectFactory"
> value="org.apache.struts2.spring.StrutsSpringObjectFactory" />
>    <constant name="struts.action.extension" value="action" />
>    <constant name="struts.convention.result.path" value="/" />
>    <constant name="struts.convention.package.locators"
> value="action,actions,struts,struts2,view" />
>        <package name="qcadmin" extends="struts-default">
>                <global-exception-mappings>
>            <exception-mapping exception="java.lang.Exception"
> result="error"/>
>            <exception-mapping exception="java.rmi.RemoteException"
> result="error"/>
>            <exception-mapping exception="javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException"
> result="error"/>
>            <exception-mapping exception="org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException"
> result="error"/>
>        </global-exception-mappings>
>       <action name="ExceptionHandle">
>                        <result name="error"
>       </action>
>        </package>
>        <package name="mfw" extends="qcadmin" namespace="/qcadmin/mfw">
>                <default-interceptor-ref name="paramsPrepareParamsStack"/>
>        </package>
> </struts>
> --
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> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at
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