
I am a struts newbie and am wondering one thing:

In my app, I am finding that I am writing a lot of
html:link tags that have an action attribute.
The action attribute directly forwards to a tiles
definition.  There is always a one-to-one mapping
of the action to the tiles defition.  Is there
a way to shortcut it so I don't need the action

For example:
  My page contains:
        <html:link action="services.do" ... />
  The struts-config contains:
      <action path="/services" forward="page.services"/>
  The tiles-defs contains:
        <definition name="page.services" extends="base.definition">

I realize this is pure MVC at its best, but it would be nice
to be able to do something like:

        <html:link definition="page.services" ... />

which would end up doing the same thing.

Is there such a thing in Struts?


Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (972)612-6056, www.JAMMConsulting.com
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