
   Iam trying to validate a simple form which has a name, password & email
field. I have validated that name field(html:text) should contain only
characters, password field(html:text) contains only numbers & email
field(html:text) should contain proper email id.

  When i enter only numbers in name field, only characters in password
field & an invalid email id then only alert msg "please enter only
characters" is coming for name field & msg "pls enter only numbers for
password field' *BUT* no msg is coming for email field even though i have
entered a wrong email id. Also those two msgs are coming simultaneously but
i want like this, i mean to say when i click on submit button first only msg
for name field should show. Then again if i click submit button then msg for
password field should show & so on.

  Also suppose if i enter the proper name (only characs) , proper password
(only numbers) & if i enter the invalid email id then it will show the msg"
please enter a valid email address".

    I also like to have the name field should be validate for
"require","mask", "minlength" & "maxlength" & then only it should validate
the password field.
Iam sending the following code for reference :

<!-- compose form Validation-->
 <form name="InfoForm">
    <field  property="fname"
  <arg key=" ComposeForm.fname"  position="0"/>
  <msg name="mask" key="ComposeForm.OnlyChars"/>
  <msg name="minlength" key="ComposeForm.fname.minlength"/>
  <arg name="minlength" key="${var:minlength}"  resource="false"
  <msg name="maxlength" key="ComposeForm.fname.maxlength "/>
  <arg name="maxlength" key="${var:maxlength}" resource="false"
     <field  property="password" depends="required,mask">
           <arg key=" ComposeForm.password"  position="0"/>
         <msg name="mask" key="ComposeForm.OnlyNumbers"/>
      <field  property="email" depends="required,email">
          <arg key="ComposeForm.email"  position="0"/>
          <msg name="email" key="ComposeForm.InvalidEmail"  position="0"/>

#- validations for compose.jsp --
ComposeForm.fname = Please enter the Name.
ComposeForm.password = Please enter the Password.
ComposeForm.email = Please enter the Email.
ComposeForm.OnlyNumbers = Please enter only numbers
ComposeForm.OnlyChars = Please enter only characters
ComposeForm.InvalidEmail = Please enter a valid Email address.
ComposeForm.OnlyNumbersChars = Please enter only numbers & characters
ComposeForm.fname.minlength = First Name cannot be less than  {1}
ComposeForm.fname.maxlength  = First Name cannot be greater than  {2}

Thanks in advance.

 Rauf Khan

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