Someone resolve this issue, or definitely is a bug??? Two @Validations
for different methods. (No execute method).



Hi again, and thank you for your answer.


I've tried using @Validations at the method level as you point out. I'll
try to illustrate:


I have an action, not annotated with @Validation, with three action
methods; input, execute and confirm (custom action method).


The input method has no annotations and is not validated as expected.


The execute method is annotated with @Validations:



message="Amount is required", key="amount.required") }, regexFields={
@RegexFieldValidator(fieldName="amount", expression="^\\d+$",
message="Amount has to be numeric", key="amount.numeric") }) public
String execute() throws Exception {




The confirm method is also annotated with @Validations:


@Validations(expressions={ @ExpressionValidator(expression="confirm ==
true", message="test") }) public String confirm() throws Exception {




And here comes the confusing part. When I call my action with no method
name indicator (say MyAction, not MyAction_confirm), both fields (amount

confirm) is validated. I just want to validate "amount" when execute is
called and only the field "confirm" when the confirm method is called.


What am I doing wrong?



Manuel Correa.


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