i have an the following 2 class

Part is just parts itself
Partxref is the accesary(component) of part.

    class Part {
                    String  manufacture;
                    String  pid;
                    private Set<Partxref> partxrefs=new HashSet<Partxref>();
                    /* set, get .....here */        
   Class Partxref {
                          Part  part;
                          int xref_type_code;
                          /* set, get....here */

  public class PartsearchAction  ...... {
              ArrayList<Part> parts;
              public void setParts(ArrayList<Part> parts) { this.parts=parts; }
              public ArrayList<Part> getParts() { return parts; } 

in my jsp,  the following works

              <s:iterator id="part" value="parts" status="st">
                 <s:property value="pid"/>

                 <s:property value="manufacture.manu_name"/>

but, i try to access partxref  {component(subset) } of parts,  failed.
              <s:iterator id="part" value="parts" status="st">
                 <s:property value="pid"/>

                 <s:property value="manufacture.manu_name"/>

                          <s:subset source="parts">
                                   <s:iterator id="partxref" value="partxrefs">
                                   <s:property  value="part.pid"/>

Please advise how to make <s:set> section works, thanks in advance


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