
I have been building a fairly large Java webapp for 3 years now, and it was originally using Struts 1.0. Due to search engine optimization, we ended up doing lots or URL manipulation via mod_rewrite. But then the problem was that when the user submitted the struts form, it would lose the URL. i.e. if the url was:
(the directories /arizona and /phoenix are not real, but mod_rewrite passes the values to the jsp page.)
and the struts form was:
<html:form action="churchSearch.do" focus="name">
It would end up at:
http://www.usachurch.com/searchresults.jsp instead of

So, we looked around and found a Struts 1.1 source customization called "IsRelative".
(submitted by Erik Tennant as Bugzilla bug #17449)
We compiled it (after many,many tries) and it worked - such as:
<html:form action="churchSearch.do" focus="name" isRelative="true">
which then kept the URL intact.

My question is whether Struts 1.2 or later has some kind of built in functionality like this now? I'd like to be able to upgrade to later versions of Struts over the years, and not have to go through all of the hassle of customizing the source code each time.


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