On 15/07/2016 02:33, Henry Macari wrote:
which is the best way to avoid deleting users when administered and propagates users

Hi Henry,
I suppose you have created users in Syncope and, by associating to an external resource - say Active Directory, you got also accounts created in Active Directory.

By default, you have now that every modification in Syncope is propagated to Active Directory, including deletion.

If you don't want this, you will need to first unlink the user in Syncope from Active Directory: you can do this from the admin console, see


for Syncope 1.2.X.
The feature is also available with 2.0, but not documented yet.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC,
CXF Committer, OpenJPA Committer, PonyMail PPMC

  • Hello Henry Macari
    • Deleting users on Syncope without affecting e... Francesco Chicchiriccò

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