
I am using Axis2 1.4 and XMLBeans 2.4. I would like to use XMLBeasn ant
task to generate all the XMLBeasn artifacts and use Axis2 to just
generate the skels and stubs. This is because I have a mix of .wsdl's
and .xsd's I need to generate and would like to normalize the resource

What I've found is, though, that the Axis2 tasks and XMLBeans tasks name
entities differently when a span in the entity path starts with a
number. For example:
                Element namespace - com/example/testService/2009/03
                Schema - com/example/testService/2009/03/myTestSchema 
                XMLBeans generated element -
                Axis2 generated element -

Note that XMLbeans prepends 'x' and Axis2 '_' to numerics.

This difference changes the resource index mapping making it impossible
to use the separately generated files. 

Can anyone tell me how to normalize the naming between Axis2 and

Thanks in advance,


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