I am generating XMLBeans from a schema and I want to have some of the
generated classes implement a common intercase.  So I build a config
file like this:

  <xb:extension for="com.my. company.MyClass_1 com.my.
    <xb:interface name="com.my.company.CommonInterface">

I then create the interface com.my.company.CommonInterface within the
same project.  I also create a delegate "com.my.company.MyDelegate" to
implement the interface. The problem is that when xml beans generates
the class it tells me that it can not find "com.my.company.MyDelegate".
I get that, this class has not yet compiled.  

This is the error:

xml ErrorC:\projects\xxx\src\main\xsdconfig\explicit.xsdconfig:6:5:
error: Interface com.my.company.MyDelegate' not found.

I see this a chicken and egg problem.  The generator is looking for the
classes before allowing the generation to continue but the classes have
not yet been compiled.

Is there a way around this?

Clarnace Howatt

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