Thank you.  I thought so.  Can anyone comment on c3p0 vs. dbcp?  Is either
one considered to be better/faster than the other? Or better in some usage
models than others?

On 2/28/07, Clinton Begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Absolutely.  You can use any DataSource implementation you like.  All you
need to do is build a DataSourceFactory and pass the fully qualified
classname (or type alias) into the datasource type in the <dataSource>
element of your SqlMapConfig.xml

public interface DataSourceFactory {
  public void initialize(Map map);
  public DataSource getDataSource();


On 2/28/07, JoeSmith < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to use the c3p0 datasource/connection pool with
> iBatis? Does anyone know how this package compares to dbcp? Are there any
> known issues or problems?

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