Re: 基于savepoint 调小并发的问题

2019-10-09 文章 Congxian Qiu
你好,1.2 以后可以修改并发的,可以看下这个官方文档[1],不过你需要注意一下最大并发这个值不要变,而最大并发如果没有指定是由并发数计算出来的[2] [1] [2]

基于savepoint 调小并发的问题

2019-10-09 文章 陈赋赟

Re: [DISCUSS] Drop Python 2 support for 1.10

2019-10-09 文章 Dian Fu
Thanks everyone for your reply. So far all the reply tend to option 1 (dropping Python 2 support in 1.10) and will continue to hear if there are any other opinions. @Jincheng @Hequn, you are right, things become more complicate if dropping Python 2 support is performed after Python UDF has

Re: How to write stream data to other Hadoop Cluster by StreamingFileSink

2019-10-09 文章 Jun Zhang
Hi,Yang : thank you very much for your reply. I had add the configurations on my hadoop cluster client , both hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml are configured, the client can read mycluster1 and mycluter2, but when I submit the flink job to yarn cluster , the hadoop client configurations is