Re: flink权限问题

2019-10-17 文章 Wesley Peng
hi hdfs有严格的权限管理系统,这个问题似乎绕不过去吧,flink该有的权限就应该给它开了。 On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 7:58 PM jinhai wang wrote: > 背景: > > 实时flink任务从kafka同步数据到hdfs。 > > > > 问题: > > 比如flink的job使用A用户提交,但写hdfs的文件用户只能是B,那这个除了给hdfs添加A的操作权限外,flink > 这块儿可以优雅解决这类问题吗?checkpoint的写权限应该是A用户吧 >

Re: 文件重命名

2019-10-08 文章 Wesley Peng
May you want to rename them in HDFS with FileSystem.rename method? on 2019/10/8 17:39, yanggang_it_job wrote: 写入hdfs的文件都是 part-{parallel-task}-{count} 这种格式 如何重命名啊?

Re: Could not forward element to next operator

2019-09-28 文章 Wesley Peng
Hello, May this article match your issue? regards. On Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 10:33 AM allan <> wrote: > Hi, > > 最近发现作业一直在报错,我的窗口是一分钟的窗口。这是什么原因,谁能帮助一下?flink版本1.6 ,错误如下: > > > > TimerException{org.apache.flink.streaming.r

Re: 订阅邮件

2019-09-27 文章 Wesley Peng
Hello You should not pose across multiple groups. One thread to one group is more graceful. 杨利君 于2019年9月26日 周四下午3:42写道: > 订阅flink社区邮件

Re: Split a stream into any number of streams

2019-09-16 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/17 10:28, 王佩 wrote: * // How should I do it?*"productID1").print(); If I understand for that correctly, you want somewhat the dynamic number of Sinks? regards

Re: Split a stream into any number of streams

2019-09-16 文章 Wesley Peng
on 2019/9/17 9:55, 王佩 wrote: I want to split a stream into any number of streams according to a field, and then process the split stream one by one. I think that should be easy done. refer to:

Re: Flink大state读取磁盘,磁盘IO打满,任务相互影响的问题探讨

2019-09-09 文章 Wesley Peng
on 2019/9/10 13:47, 蒋涛涛 wrote: 尝试手段: 1. 手动迁移IO比较高的任务到其他机器,但是yarn任务提交比较随机,只能偶尔为之 2. 目前没有SSD,只能用普通STATA盘,目前加了两块盘提示磁盘IO能力,但是单盘对单任务的磁盘IO瓶颈还在 还有哪些策略可以解决或者缓解么? It seems the tricks to improve RocksDB's throughput might be helpfu. With writes and reads accessing mostly the recent data, our goal

Re: FLINK WEEKLY 2019/36

2019-09-08 文章 Wesley Peng
on 2019/9/9 11:23, Zili Chen wrote: FLINK WEEKLY 2019/36 很高兴和大家分享上周 FLINK 社区的发展。在过去的一周里,更多 FLINK 1.10 的特性被提出和讨论,包括新的 FLIP,来自 Apache Pulsar 社区的 Connector 贡献等等。专门讨论 FLINK 1.10 将要实现什么特性的议程也在进行。 用户问题 A nice work. thank you. regards.

Re: 希望获得一份编译后的1.6版本以上flink源码

2019-09-06 文章 Wesley Peng
Helo wrote: 因windows系统搭载虚拟机环境,总是不能成功编译flink源码,所以希望能得到一份编译后的1.6版本以上的flink源码 there is docker image for flink 1.9. since you are using a virtual machine, then docker might be used. regards

Re: Flink Savepoint 超时

2019-09-06 文章 Wesley Peng
SJMSTER wrote: Checkpoints一直都是成功的。 今天重新尝试了一下cancle job with savepoint又成功了.. 不知道之前为什么试了几次都是超时的.. are there any log items for diagnosis? regards.

Re: flink1.9.0对DDL的支持

2019-09-04 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/5 11:23, wrote: 请教一下, 1.flink1.9.0的table API/sql是不是还没有支持Create view? from the official documentation of flink 1.9: Views can also be created within a CLI session using the CREATE VIEW statement: CREATE VIEW MyNewView AS SELECT MyField2 FROM MyTableSour

Re: FLink WEB 怎么加登录验证?

2019-09-04 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/5 10:46, wrote: FLink WEB 控制台中,没有找到登录验证的配置,请问这个WEB怎么加登录验证? Flink does not directly support authenticating access to the web UI, but you can always put something like Apache's basic_auth in front of it.

Re: flink集群模式下如何动态添加taskmanager

2019-09-03 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/4 10:27, 如影随形 wrote: 在flink集群部署时,有1个jobmanager,有2个taskmanager(slave1,slave2), 现在想添加slave3作为 taskmnanager。如何在不停止集群的情况下,可以像spark一样动态添加吗? AFAIK the answer is NO for now. However, community tells that this has been under consideration from the FLIP-6 Flink Development and Proce

Re: 回复: flink使用StateBackend问题

2019-09-03 文章 Wesley Peng
on 2019/9/3 15:38, 守护 wrote: org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator - Received late message for now expired checkpoint attempt 3 from 24674987621178ed1a363901acc5b128 of job fd5010cbf20501339f1136600f0709c3. 请问这个是什么问题呢? 可以根据这些失败的task的id去查询这些任务落在哪一个taskmanager上,经过排查发现

Re: flink使用StateBackend问题

2019-09-03 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/3 12:14, 々守护々 wrote: 现象:我是在代码中配置StateBackend的,代码是这样写的env.setStateBackend(new RocksDBStateBackend("hdfs://host51:9000/flink/checkpoints",true)),但是我发现在下面的SQLwindow中始终在checkpoint那就过不去,总是报n/a, 下面我就把代码中的这句给注释掉了,在flink-conf.xml文件中配置 state.checkpoints.dir: hdfs://host51:9000/flink/flink-

Re: FlinkKafkaProducer 开启Excatly Once之后 初始化事务状态超时的问题

2019-09-01 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/9/2 11:49, 陈赋赟 wrote: 2019-09-02 10:24:28,599 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task - Interval Join -> Sink: Unnamed (1/4) (e8b85b6f144879efbb0b4209f226c69b) switched from RUNNING to FAILED. org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Timeout expir

Re: 关于flink 写于kafka时的transactionId 生成问题

2019-08-29 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/8/29 17:50, ddwcg wrote: broker就一个,flink集群的时钟确实和broker的不一样,是不同的机房,能自己指定transactionalId吗,两个机房的调整成一样怕影响其他的应用 AFAIK the transID is generated by systems. regards.

Re: 关于flink 写于kafka时的transactionId 生成问题

2019-08-29 文章 Wesley Peng
Hi on 2019/8/29 17:13, ddwcg wrote: 作业我已经停止了,但是看kafka的日志还是不断的在刷Initialized transactionalId………. ,而且该程序再此启动就会报: Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch. Either there is a newer producer with the same transactionalId, or