StreamTable Environment initialized failed -- "Could not find any factories that implement 'org.apache.flink.table.delegation.ExecutorFactory' in the classpath"

2023-05-15 文章 krislee
Hi  ALL, OS:   CentOS 7.9 Flink version:  1.16.0 It looks like  I'm hitting a  notorious exception which had been discoverd since earlier fink version.  The issue was triggered when below java code executed:    StreamTableEnvironment tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env); More

flink 1.15.1 source compile failed on "annoation" module

2022-07-14 文章 krislee
Hi,     I'm facing below error when compiling flink 1.15.1 src on windows(win10) .     From error stack, it appears that compiling failed when compiling "annoation" module. 严重: Step 'google-java-format' found problem in

flink job exception

2021-05-30 文章 krislee
各位好: 我是flink的初学者。 今天在flink web UI 和后台的job 管理页面 发现很多 exception: .. 11:29:30.107 [] ERROR - Exception occurred in REST handler: Job 16c614ab0d6f5b28746c66f351fb67f8 not found ..