Can flink kafka producer dynamically discover new parititons after expansion??

2020-12-25 文章 ??????????
hi??I have a source Kafka and a sink Kafka??when the amount of data processing grows??I need to expand Kafka topic's partition number ,but I don't want to restart the job to take effect. for source Kafka, I use flink.partition-discovery.interval-millis and it could consume the new parititon

Can flink kafka producer dynamically discover new parititons after expansion??

2020-12-25 文章 ??????????
hi??I have a source Kafka and a sink Kafka??when the amount of data processing grows??I need to expand Kafka topic's partition number ,but I don't want to restart the job to take effect. for source Kafka, I use flink.partition-discovery.interval-millis and it could consume the new parititon