Re: Messages not being received by consumer

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
It looks like you're creating a transactional session and never calling commit(). On 09/11/2007, CobraTheSleek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, ENV: ActiveMQ-Snapshot-5.0 JBoss AS 4.2.1 I have the following queues defined: mbean code=org.jboss.resource.deployment.AdminObject

Re: XSD Validation issues with Spring and embedded ActiveMQ

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
For spring you must include the XSD declaration at the top. See the Spring 2 example here On 07/11/2007, stuarthardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I'm having some major problems with configuring an embedded Broker through Spring. I'm following

Re: Selector Modification

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
On 09/11/2007, mrh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is it possible to modify selectors after the listener has been started, without closing and restarting the consumer? Only via JMX on the broker. Failing that stop and start the consumer. If you are using queues it doesn't make any difference; its

ActiveMQ Performance Report

2007-11-12 Thread Viswanath Durbha
Hi, The documentation of ActiveMQ has the following link to the Performance Report comparing ActiveMQ with other JMS providers. But this link is being redirected to the following URL.

Re: How to Start ActiveMQ from Tomcat

2007-11-12 Thread ttmdev
I would recommend creating a ServletContextListener for your web application. Through the listener, you can then start an embedded AMQ broker (I am assuming this is the broker type you want) when your web application gets deployed/initialized. Use your web app's ../META-INF/context.xml file to

Re: Unable to create MessageProducer

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
Without more information on how you are using the JMS client its hard to know really. It could just be the socket has been dropped. You night wanna enable failover... On 10/11/2007, TOPPER_HARLEY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi,

Re: ActiveMQ - Spring

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
On 30/10/2007, navneek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, Im trying to use the Spring approach to access the components in activemq.xml I tried to load this file using the following syntax ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(activemq.xml); But it throwing lot of

Re: SessionPooling

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
On 09/11/2007, Dave Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, we are implementing an activeMQ application using 4.1.1, and we have found that the performance bottleneck is in creating a session. I have reviewed the JavaDoc on pooling, but are there any examples of using pooling? See this FAQ

Re: Maximize Throughput

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
On 09/11/2007, appi03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Running the latest activemq release 4.1.1 and using the cms library. I have a Linux Server set up that has 4 cpus where I am running my broker and the producer. I was hoping to get a good performance out of it but activemq only utilizes one cpu

Re: ActiveMQ Connection management on the server side

2007-11-12 Thread James Strachan
On 06/11/2007, gnigats [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can someone help me please! When using JCA adaptor from on the Client side, the ConnectionFactory and ResourceAdaptor propeties include user id and password. How is the user id and password used on the server side? I expected to see user id

Re: Messages not being received by consumer

2007-11-12 Thread CobraTheSleek
Hi James, thanks much for the response. In my sender code, if I do an explicit commit() on the session, I receive the following message as an XA transaction is in progress: 08:35:57,390 ERROR [STDERR] at 08:35:57,390 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by:

Re: Unable to create MessageProducer

2007-11-12 Thread TOPPER_HARLEY
It could just be the socket has been dropped.: Is socket dropping a common occurence or simply related to the quality of the network one is running on (my TCP level knowledge isn't great). Would vm: style for the brokerURL prevent this since it would be insice JVM? This is our setup: We have a

Spring xbean SAXParseException?

2007-11-12 Thread Jason Novak
My Spring container no longer starts, due to a SAXParseException. Is there a fix or workaround? I use the following applicationContext.xml prologue: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? beans xmlns=; xmlns:amq=;