Hi Tim and Christopher,

> It does sound like a bug, and it certainly could be the same root
> cause as the bug you linked to. Does the workaround in that bug also
> work (temporarily) for you?

I can't really apply that workaround to our application (deleting the
queue and re-creating it) I'm afraid.

> A shot in the dark: is there any chance that you might have messages
> expiring before they can be consumed? I've got a vague recollection of a
> bug being fixed recently where we still counted a message as pending when
> it expired while in the consumer's dispatch queue; maybe there's a similar
> bug for memory usage?

We don't have any message expiry set so I don't think that is it.  FWIW
I tried 5.14.4 and the same problem seems to be present.

When I get some free time in the weeks ahead I'll see if I can reproduce
this in a unit test.


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