>>> Technically speaking, replication is asynchronous. However, the broker
will not send a response to the client until it has received a reply from
the slave that the data has been received.
>>> If the network between the master and slave goes down then by default
>>> the master continues like nothing happened.

So when the network is down between master and slave (eg slaves network card
fails)... the master will keep ACK-ing messages it receieves in this case?
If so -- is there some timeout setting that tells the master how long it
should wait before considering the slave as failed?

>>> For what it's worth, I've found that data integrity and high performance
>>> and generally at odds with each other.
Agreed. A balance has to be found. We will be replicating with the built-in
replication on the LAN within the same data centers... and replicating via
asynchronous DRBD across data centers (best effort -- but not guaranteed)

>>> I'm not sure the kind of data loss you're describing has ever been
>>> tested. As far as I know, Artemis expects the data it writes to the
>>> journal to still be in the journal when it is re-loaded. In general, I
>>> would expect that any solution designed to ensure data integrity would
>>> consider message loss or imperfect replication an unacceptable failure.

A small amount of message loss may be acceptable across data center
replication -- but corrupt journals that a broker cannot use may not be. A
Couple of questions on this very important point:
Aren't [messages, acks, etc] stored as transactions within the broker
journal ie:

So if there is an incomplete/corrupt transaction in the journal wouldn't the
broker just roll it back and ignore it?
This would lead to message loss but not journal corruption. Is this how the
journal / broker work?

What if only journal blocks that were full were replicated to the other data
center... would this ensure an uncorrupted journal? ie does the broker /
journal only store complete messages at the end of journal blocks (as the
journal block is getting full)? Another way to say this: can the journal
store 1/2 a message at the end of 1 journal block and the other 1/2 at the
next journal block?

Case 1) would seem to be the preferable solution (imho)... is a feature
request for this likely to be implemented?

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