HornetQ to ActiveMQ Artemis (beans)

2020-02-21 Thread artesran
Hello, I inherited a HornetQ , Spring framework standalone project which I am now trying to upgrade. It is a large beast and eventually will need to upgrade Java, Tomcat, Hibernate, etc.. Because we don't have a lot of resources I basically want to replace HornetQ with Artemis and then

Send Message on QUEUES

2020-02-21 Thread ssjuvestabia1907
Hi all, please could you help me to understand the issue indicated below. We need to write iDoc message (xml file) from a SAP system on a queue (section Queues) but the iDoc message (xml file) arrive only in the Topics section. It's required new configuration on Connections / Subscribers / ecc.

Issue send message on QUeues

2020-02-21 Thread ssjuvestabia1907
Hi all, please could you support me to understand why the message arrive on Topics section and doesn't arrive in the Queue Section. We need a particular configuration to open Connection / Subscriber / etc ? The source system is SAP (idoc document - xml files) Thank you, Gaetano -- Sent from: