Is there anyone who got any thoughts regarding the described behavior? Or is 
there anyone who has made a similar migration and want to share some 


Från: Calle Andersson <>
Skickat: måndag, oktober 16, 2023 10:42:33 PM
Till: <>
Ämne: Replacing composite queues with Artemis

I have an old A-MQ with a lot of composite queues, e.g:
<compositeQueue name="TEST.QUEUE.A">
<filteredDestination selector="MyMessageProperty='SYSTEM_X'" 
<filteredDestination selector="MyMessageProperty='SYSTEM_Y'" 
<filteredDestination selector="NOT(MyMessageProperty='SYSTEM_X') AND 

Currently, I'm investigating how to migrate to Artemis. The implementations of 
the existing clients (which sends and receives messages) should not be adjusted 
(i.e. the names of the queues should be the same and the clients should 
continue communicating via queues, not topics).

I have defined the following addresses/queues in broker.xml:
<address name="TEST.QUEUE.A">
name="TEST.QUEUE.A" >
    <filter string="UnwantedProperty='ShouldNeverMatch'"/>
<address name="TEST.QUEUE.A.SYSTEM_X">
<address name="TEST.QUEUE.A.SYSTEM_Y">
<address name="DLQ">
                                                       <queue name="DLQ" />
<address name="ExpiryQueue">
name="ExpiryQueue" />

I also added the following diverts:
<divert name="TEST.QUEUE.A.SYSTEM_X-divert">
                          <filter string="MyMessageProperty='SYSTEM_X'"/>
<divert name="TEST.QUEUE.A.SYSTEM_Y-divert">
                          <filter string="MyMessageProperty='SYSTEM_Y'"/>

And I also configured this for <address-setting match="#"> (in an attempt to 
make any messages not diverted by any divert to end up on a DLQ associated with 
the queue):

Everything else is configured in the same way as in a newly created 2.31.0 

Since I added a dummy filter to the TEST.QUEUE.A queue, I hoped that messages 
which doesn't get filtered to any queues or get diverted by any divert (e.g. if 
MyMessageProperty is missing or has an unexpected value) should be considered 
as undeliverable and end up on a newly created queue named "DLQ.TEST.QUEUE.A". 
To test this, I send messages to "TEST.QUEUE.A" in the following way (the 
“admin” user has all permissions):
[ARTEMIS_HOME]/bin/artemis producer --message ipsum --message-count 1 
--destination TEST.QUEUE.A --url tcp://localhost:61616 --user admin --password 

However, the original messages simply disappears but for each message sent, 
there are 6 messages placed on the "DLQ" queue. All messages are empty. In 3 of 
them, "_AMQ_NotifType" have been set to "SESSION_CREATED". In the rest, 

Could anyone explain the result and why it differs from my assumptions? Have I 
misunderstood some parts of the configuration or does some configurations not 
work together?

Is there better ways to achieve what I'm trying to do?


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