Classification: Public


> You can use the destroyDivert management operation which takes the name of 
> the divert.
I realize I only looked at the address level to find such management operation.
And to (falsely) confirm that, I looked in the source-code for deleteDivert 
(similar to deleteQueue and deleteAddress) and did not find that one :-)

> If you want the broker to remove diverts automatically please open a new 
> feature request Jira.
At this moment we don’t expect to use more than a handful of retro-active 
addresses and we have no other uses for diverts now.
destroyDivert should be sufficient for now. This may change when we get more 
operational experience with it. Then I might add such feature request. Thx for 
the suggestion!

> Can you confirm that you can't delete an address when it has no queues and it 
> is the "forwarding-address" target of a divert? I just tested this and I was 
> able to delete such an address.
Actually, I cannot repeat it.
I'm using a cluster and probably did not delete every remote queue when I tried 
it and then lazily blamed the divert for it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Bertram <> 
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2023 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: (auto)remove objects for retro-active

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You can use the destroyDivert management operation which takes the name of the 

If you want the broker to remove diverts automatically please open a new 
feature request Jira.


On Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 10:43 AM Dondorp, Erwin <>

> Non-Business
> Hello,
> For any "retro-active" address in Artemis (see 
> emis/documentation/latest/retroactive-addresses.html__;!!AaIhyw!qEWP3ubT3IcaPvFWC0Q_Rto8TFA5mFAe7j9WtRE-wn7FrC4eI1NYLbtA-k6GGPgMP5KTL5kIriYqmmEY69I$
>  ) a few objects are created beyond what happens for a regular address:
>   1.  A divert on the original address; and
>   2.  A related internal address ($.something); and
>   3.  A queue on the related internal address for anycast; and
>   4.  A queue on the related internal address for multicast.
> We use auto-create for all our objects. But it is hard to get rid of 
> these objects once they are no longer needed. The original address 
> cannot be not deleted due to the presence of the divert. And the 
> related internal address cannot be deleted due to the presence of the 
> divert to it. The 2 internal queues can be deleted manually though.
> Does anyone have tips or tricks to completely clean-up obsolete 
> retro-active addresses, without server downtime?
> thx!
> Erwin
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