
I found some old unfinished topic, and i'm having the same problems.

I did, and i find it quite easy and reliable to send e simple text message.
In the portofolio.js, the datas are retrieved from HTML document, if i
What i want to do is send datas from an XML files loaded thanks to
On the website, it's said that it is possible to send well formed XML, how ?
What's more, what about the error from prototype.js, does is come from me ?

In chat sample, there is some built-in prototype/behavior mechanism,
that automatically parses received XML. I need just plain XML in the
string (i plan to write it in pop-up window). I have closely inspected
received message object, by using firebug, but maximum i can get - is
some text version of XML.

Is there known any trick how can i get pure XML (as i passed it)?

As for prototype.js bugs (mentioned below), i replaced bundled with
latest version from http://www.prototypejs.org/
There is also patch somewhere in internet for bundled version.

My system:

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06)
Fedora Core 5

Sending messages trough:
Stomp interface for PHP
PHP 5.2.0-10
Debian 4.1 Lenny


Adrian Co wrote:

Have you tried looking at the portfolio.js and chat.js in
activemq-web-demo? It might help you.

didyeah971 wrote:
I am posting this message one more time, because the error still occurs.
I am triyin to send an xml file via the ajax client, it seems to be
published on the topic, and well received too by the listener, by i
use the message i receive.
the message.data contains a XMLDocument object, but i cannot handle it,
using DOM methods.

Otherwise, sometimes i have an error on the  protype.js, raised by
WebDeveloper Toolbar, at line 52:
$A is not defined

Function.prototype.bind = function() {
  var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift();
  return function() {
    return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments)));  Error

So i have 2 questions :
 1 ) How cand i handle the received message with DOM  ?
 2) Is the prototype.js error a bug or a it's caused by an error in my
script ?

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