I have 2 queues setup in ActiveMQ broker. Wanted to test that producer flow
control is working and producers for both queue are getting stalled when
there is no memory. As soon as event occurs, messages start getting enqueued
in both queues, but everything stops after memory reaches 100%(sometimes it
is more than 100 % also, don't know how is that possible for persistent
messages). Memory never reduces from 100 % so that producers can again start
putting messages in both queues.

<policyEntry queue=">" memoryLimit="1000MB" producerFlowControl="true"/>
                        <memoryUsage percentOfJvmHeap="70" />
                        <storeUsage limit="50MB"/>
                        <tempUsage limit="50MB"/>


Is there something wrong with configuration? I want to slow down producer
when memory is full(basically stop to enqueue) and again start when memory
is free. Why is memory not getting free? Is there a way to slow down
producer queuing even before memory is full if there are enough items on
queue already to deque?

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