Well I thought I was on to something. I created a threadgroup and put my thread in it and sure enough the activemq created threads as part of my spring context creation get created in my thread group, great. Then when I close my spring context I get the threadgroup and call interrupt and my thread catches the interrupt exception and completes. The only problem is that now I've got threadgroups hanging around with only activemq related threads in them. It would appear that these threads aren't quiting when they receive the interrupt exception :(

Xavier Toth wrote:
On further inspection I see that there are a number of threads started
on behalf of ActiveMQ and I'm wondering if and how these ever get
cleaned up? I've included a super simplified example of a standalone
broker and client along with build and run scripts (the classpath will
have to be changed for these to work on another system). The run
script will generate a hprof dump on exit (Ctrl-C) that can be
inspected with 'hat'.

On 3/20/07, Xavier Toth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm using Spring, Lingo and ActiveMQ. My processes routinely create
new queues use them for awhile and then hopefully destroy them. But
it's the last part that's got me concerned. I close the Spring context
from which were created beans of class ActiveMQConnectionFactory,
ActiveMQQueue, LingoRemoteInvocationFactory and a few others but
despite my efforts to cleanup I'm getting OutOfMemory exceptions. I've
run jmap and seen the number of instances of some of these classes growing overtime and through use. I've run hat on the hprof dumps and see that these
objects are accessible from the rootset but it's unclear to me who is
hanging on the their references. Is there anything I should be
explicitly doing in my code when I close the context to make sure
ActiveMQ cleans up it's objects? Are there any know memory leaks in
ActiveMQ? I've experience similar results on 3.2.2 and 4.1.0.


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