Xbean URI syntax vs property URI syntax

2011-01-21 Thread kneumei
Is the property file that you can supply by means of the property URI syntax to configure a broker as expressive as the xbean file? That is, given any xml broker configuration file, is there an equivalent property file? Most examples are given in xml format, but I want to avoid the dependencies

Re: Glassfish + ActiveMQ whoes!

2011-01-18 Thread kneumei
I had a similar issue earlier. I think I fixed it by adding the following section to my sun-ejb-jar mdb-resource-adapter resource-adapter-midactivemqrar/resource-adapter-mid activation-config

Re: Failover protocol using genericra in glassfish

2011-01-18 Thread kneumei
I ended up switching to use the resource adapter provided by activemq that comes in the lib/optional directory. In case anyone is interested, here are the steps I followed to get it working asadmin create-resource-adapter-config --property

Failover protocol using genericra in glassfish

2011-01-14 Thread kneumei
Hi, I'm attempting to use activemq in glassfish using the genericra resource adapter provided with glassfish 2.1. I have found a few pages with helpful information including http://activemq.apache.org/sjsas-with-genericjmsra.html. I have actually had success and been able to get MDBs to use

How to properly close a queue?

2008-10-02 Thread kneumei
Hi, I am building an application in which I am using ActiveMQ to send messages to clients. So far I have something like this. The BrokerService and connectionFactory are created when my application starts up and are put into a singleton, and the connectionFactory is made available to other

Re: How to properly close a queue?

2008-10-02 Thread kneumei
Regarding the QueueThread: Here is the stack trace for it: QueueThread:queue://1 daemon prio=6 tid=0x0adc9c00 nid=0x8a8 waiting on condition [0x0bc0f000..0x0bc0fc94] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) - parking to wait for

Re: How to properly close a queue?

2008-10-02 Thread kneumei
Is there a way to delete the queue programatically from the broker instead of using JMX? In my application, there are certain business objects that each have an associated queue. When the object is deleted, I need the queue to close. If there is not a way to do this, I imagine that I am not

Re: How to properly close a queue?

2008-10-02 Thread kneumei
Perhaps I am misunderstanding how JMS works, or maybe I didn't explain myself very well. How I am viewing JMS's relationship to my code right now is like this: My business objects (with their associated queues) are on the server. They produce messages. Consumers (on a client machine) may come