Has anyone had problems with broker network bridges failing?  Meaning messages 
won't cross the broker-to-broker bridge even though there are no messages that 
state that there is a problem with the connection between the brokers.

Things were fine until recently.  We've been battling trying to get message 
flow stable and the only thing that's helped is multiple broker re-starts.  
Things can be stable for a day or so and then the problem comes back.

We're on version 5.4.2, with some patches and have a topology that looks like:

client-broker1 <-> bridge-broker1 <-> bridge-broker2 <-> client-broker 2

*client-broker1 = clients in cluster 1 connect here,
*client-broker2 = clients in cluster 2 connect here
*bridge-broker1=  bridges traffic from cluster 1 to 2 and vice-versa
*bridge-broker2 = bridges traffic from cluster 2 to 1 and vice-versa

The network connectors are configured using SSL with static.

Any suggestions/feedback would help.  Thanks.


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