We are using activemq 5.2.0. Our webapp runs in tomcat 5. We don't use spring 
JMS support, however we do configure JMS listener class as a singleton in 
spring factory.

Recently, we configured failover capabilities as 


We set maxReconnectAttempts as 1 because we have our own connection retry 
mechanism that gets triggered on JMS exception; 
However, if both brokers are down, tomcat seems to hang and goes to 100% CPU. 
It appears as if client connection code tries to connect, fails and tries to 
reconnect right away. 
This behavior happens only if we use failover notation. If we revert back to 


and if we shutdown broker, webapp behaves OK -no memory/CPU spikes.

I can post our custom code, if it would help. 
Any suggestions what might be wrong with our configuration would be greatly 

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