The OP sent the following message to me directly late last week, after he
was unable to post it to the mailing list. I think it could be confusing to
anyone following the thread later for me to reply directly to it as the
first time it hits the mailing list, so I'm forwarding it to the list now,
and then I'll add my responses in a separate message.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: Camel generating message with correlationid=null and tmp-queue

I dont know, because of some reasons I am not able to post using threads. I
tried two times but not able to send :(

I am sorry, I will not do delete of threads, instead will follow as

1) for correlation id generating null and temperary queue names generating
null : right now we are not getting as we have disconnected one network
connector [ using A,B network connector]

2) blocking_queue : whenever client request broker via http channel, broker
is creating blocking queue and storing in map with clientid and it is using
the same for other requests like GET,POST.
so this blocking_queue is not an AMQDesitination, instead it is java queue.
so this question is not a valid one.

3) for the inactivity monitor : thank you for advising the cause of
disconnection. we have overriden org.apache.activemq.transport.
and creating InactivityMonitor same as like super class only difference is
we have overriden onException. This code is proper.
but main observation is, whatever setConnectAttemptTimeout we have set,
after that exactly it is disconnecting even useKeepAlive is true.
is this the behaviour of inactivity monitor ? actually it should close
connection only when there is inactivity, still it is closing connection
even if it is active.

Thank you

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