Re: CXF soap call complains of missing portType?

2019-11-15 Thread John F. Berry
Other people in my shop have complained that something's just not right with this WSDL  I thought I'd upload it to an online checker to verify complaince... It mostly checks out (besides all the snake case).. but it also reported that this is a SOAP 1.1 WDSL.. I think that's my problem...

Substring problems with simple language

2019-11-15 Thread Stefan Ziegler
Hi I try to substring the file name and set it as property: from("file://"+pathToUnzipFolder+"/?noop=true=ISO-8859-1=.*\\.itf=3=2000=changed") .setProperty("dataset", simple("${header.CamelFileName.substring(2,4)}")) .process(new Ili2pgReplaceProcessor()); This works with Apache Camel

Re: Environment variable not accessible if camel run in Cron Job of CentOS

2019-11-15 Thread Imran Raza Khan
Hi Zoran, Thanks for detailed answer and it was really helpful, For others i tried following options - source $HOME/.bash_profile - 0 5 * * * . $HOME/. bash_profile ; /path/to/command/to/run - set following in cron SHELL=/bin/bash But nothing works for me in centos, it look like

Multiple restConfiguration()'s

2019-11-15 Thread Riaan Annandale
Hi everyone I have a camel application that I've integrated with keycloak in order to use Oauth2 - which works really well. I'd like to put the same application behind an API gateway so that I can use API Keys for authentication as well. This is my problem statement and in terms of solution I